Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hello! Welcome to Impulse Train blog...

My first hint goes to guitar players.
There is a software to view and create guitar tablatures for Windows, called GuitarPro, well-known by guitar and other instruments players. I could've tried to run it under Wine, but I didn't. Not necessary. I've found a great software for Linux that is able to open gp* files in order to play them. The name is TuxGuitar, it can be installed through the Add/Remove dialog, or type in a terminal:

$ sudo apt-get install tuxguitar

The features are basically the same:
  • Edit tabs with a lot of effects, like: bend, slide, hammer-on, pull-off, tapping, palm mute, etc...
  • Choose different instrument sounds
  • Play the tabs in your sound device with different tempo for training purposes, for example
  • Add markers and lyrics... and so on...

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