Monday, July 21, 2008


Having trouble with an ADSL modem that does not connect automatically? When in Windows you have to use some kind of "Dialer" to connect to the internet? Worry not! Here's your solution for Ubuntu:

To configure your connection type:
$ pppoeconf

Follow the instructions and then use
$ pon dsl-provider

To turn it on.

$ poff -a

To stop all pppoe connections.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Create ISO Files


In order to create ISO files from CDs or DVDs without special softwares simply type:

$# dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/**USER**/**Image_Name**.iso

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's my kernel version?

Quick tip: to discover what's your kernel version just type:

$ uname -a


Thursday, June 19, 2008


So here goes another software tip: Avidemux. It is a video encoder with some really great options and really easy to use. I particularly use it to encode videos for my palmtop, and it works great. It has some automatic encoders built-in, like an iPod encoder, which may come in handy if you own one.
So, to install it, easy as pie:
$ sudo apt-get install avidemux

Then to use it just right click the audio file and then "OpenWith...advidemux". The interface is very intuitive.


Monday, June 16, 2008

Japanese input

Hi! Or こんばんは!
I'm beginning to study japanese and found this great howto to get japanese characters input on Ubuntu without changing the whole instalation to japanese. The input manager SCIM has a handwriting recognition tool that ease a lot when you are looking for a kanji. Just follow this UbuntuForums topic:

HOWTO: Installing Japanese Input with SCIM for Hardy

If you use Gutsy you'd rather follow this one:

HOWTO:Japanese Input and Fonts in Ubuntu 7.10


Friday, June 13, 2008

Songbird doesn't auto-update

If you installed songbird with a .deb package, there's a little bug with it. It won't update properly due to the permissions in songbird's folder.
To fix it simply type
$ sudo chown username /usr/share/Songbird -R

replacing username with your user.

Then restart songbird and go to help->Check for updates and enjoy the new 0.6 version!


Monday, June 9, 2008

Songbird + Last.FM

After a while bashing my head I got it working. In the end it was simple, only I had my localhost IP different because of an apache server. Anyway, there's a new songbird's extension that works great with's official audioscrobbler.

First of all, add to your repos:
$wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

gets the key and then add the line
deb debian stable

to the file /etc/apt/sources.list
After that simply install the SB add-on.
Here you can find the SB's extension.